Monday, September 10, 2007


"To those who aspire to follow the Way of Tea, guard against jealousy. To place yourself at the center, to envy others, to tempt others---these are unpardonable. Know your duty, and as you immerse yourself daily in the Way of Tea, you will be rewarded with happiness. The more you look up to others, the clearer your own position to them will become. Whenever something untoward happens, people try to make themselves look as good as possible. But if we remember the humble heart of the host in the tearoom for he knows the spiritual taste of tea, then this persistent clinging to power for its own sake will then be seen for what it is. Know what you know and know what you don't know, for only then will the limits of your strength become evident. To attain spiritual power, seize the chance when it offers itself; devote yourself to study and practice. In life are many who feign knowledge and lead others astray. No action can be more reprehensible. The Way is never exclusive. It is open to all to follow, but those who set out upon the path perforce need the help of those who have passed that way before."

My father left us these words, his reflections on human duties. They are timeless and applicable to everyone.

In my own hands I hold a bowl of tea; I see all of nature represented in its green color. Closing my eyes I find green mountains and pure water within my own heart. Silently sitting alone and drinking tea, I feel these become part of me. What is the most wonderful thing for people like myself who follow the Way of Tea? My answer: the oneness of host and guest created through "meeting heart to heart" and sharing a bowl of tea.

I have toured the world with the goal, "Peace through sharing a bowl of tea." Taking a bowl of green tea in your hands and drinking it, you feel one with nature, and there is peace. This peace can be spread by offering a bowl of tea to another. I hope you will drink and share this peace with me.
(pp.80-81 in Tea Life, Tea Mind by Soshitsu Sen XV)

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